Roland Biermann

NIDA 2020: International Photography Symposium

Roland Biermann is one of the finalists of the Virus competition as part of this year's International Photography Symposium in Nida, Lithuania. The symposium will take place from September 9-12, 2020.


Biermann's new work titled "2020" will be screened during the project night at the marina on Friday, September 11.


"2020" is  composed of constructed scenes in the form of sculptural installations with supermarket shelves, toilet tissue roles, hand-sanitiser dispensers, etc. and related photographs. It is not so much about the pandemic itself, as it is about the side-effects, such as irrational consumer behaviour, alienation, boredom, loneliness. As the year 2020 is not over yet, Biermann will also address other major issues in this series.


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September 1, 2020
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