邁克爾 • 穆勒


Deine Kunst - Chapter Three: The Conditions of Being Art (or the Amateur)

Venue: Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg, Germany

Exhibition Period:  October 20, 2019 - February 23, 2020

Opening Reception: October 19, 2019, 19:00


The Municipal Gallery Wolfsburg was opened on October 20, 1974. On the occasion of its 45th anniversary, Michael Müller was invited to curate an experimental new presentation of the collection. The artist shows an exhibition cycle titled "Deine Kunst" that spans two years and presents the collection in several consecutive versions.


On the occasion of the anniversary of the Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg, the third version of "Deine Kunst" is opened and the artist curator Michael Müller uses selected works from the in-house collection as an opportunity to experiment with the conditions and possibilities of exhibiting, to isolate individual parameters, to examine and to introduce changes. How are works of art presented? How do the space and the environment influence the works? Is there a "law of good neighborliness" (Warburg) or are all works "the mortal enemy" of all others (Adorno)? "The Conditions of Being Art (or the Amateur)" thus - like the exhibition cycle “Deine Kunst” as a whole - raises the question of the intricate and intriguing connection between the works as well as the relationship between the work and the artist, artist and curator, curator and audience, who meet in various forms in the exhibition spaces. The artist represents, among other things, the signature and the self-portrait, so means of authentication could hardly be more different. On the other hand, the focus is on a rarely observed form of demarcation: the framework that surrounds works and limits authorship. Where does the work stop? Where does the frame start? What happens when the frame becomes work? The special significance of the neighborhood for the effect of the individual works (their co-juxtaposition, against and against each other on the wall or in the room) is the last major focus, which is examined in the exhibition and shows how the works influence each other, diffuse into each other. Presented are those works in the second version of “Deine Kunst” in the form of an audio guide, so only to hear and not to be seen. You will not be curious (so much is betrayed) again this time. Just the disturbances show what else works. The exceptions show the rules.


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