Michael Müller

Solo Exhibition at St. Matthäus-Kirche, Berlin

 "Am Abgrund der Bilder"

Exhibition Period: 23 April - 3 September 2023

Venue: St. Matthäus-Kirche, Matthäikirchplatz, 10785 Berlin, Germany


Opening reception on 22 April, 7pm 

Introduction by Luisa Heese and Rudolf Zwirner


Galerie du Monde is delighted to share the latest solo exhibition of the Berlin-based artist Michael Müller, at St. Matthäus-Kirche (St. Matthew Church), on view from 23 April to 3 September 2023. The exhibition "Am Abgrund der Bilder" shows a complex of works created by Michael Müller between 2013 and 2022 addressing the question of the possibilities and impossibilities of an artistic engagement with the Holocaust. In a 16-part work, Müller questions Gerhard Richter's "Birkenau" cycle by uncovering its layers and revealing mechanisms that, when examined closely, open up a space for discussion.


What unites the works shown in the exhibition "Am Abgrund der Bilder" is that they represent an interrogation from different perspectives in a broad spectrum of artistic media: Painting, sculpture, photography and text. They evoke the openness of questioning, foregoing a definitive answer and instead allowing for constant discussion. In the church space, Müller's works not only pose a new the question of the biblical ban on images, but also the question of a God who could allow the murder of millions of people.


Artist Talk with Art Historian Prof. Dr. Anne-Marie Bonnet and Dr. Joachim Jäger 

Date and time: 23 May 2023, 7pm


The exhibition "Am Abgrund der Bilder" raises questions: What role do images play in the commemoration of the Holocaust? What limits exist for the artistic representation of singular events? And what results from the artistic dialogue between Michael Müller and Gerhard Richter? Finally, with a view to the church space: What does the biblical prohibition of images mean for a measured form of remembrance? Do art and religion touch in the realm of the unrepresentable?


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St. Matthäus-Kirche

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