Vilhelm Hammershoi
11 3/4 x 9 7/8 in
Johannes C. Bock
At Winkel & Magnussen, Copenhagen, 1953, sale 380, lot 41
Private Collection, Denmark
With Piano Nobile, London
Private Collection
1955, Copenhagen, Kunstforeningen, Vilhelm Hammershøi 1864-1916, 1955, no. 52
1981, Charlottenlund, Ordrupgaard, Hammershøi. Retrospektiv udstilling, 1981, no. 39, ill., p. 70
1983, New York, Wildenstein, and Washington, D.C., Phillips Collection, Hammershøi: Painter of Stillness and Light, 7 - 28 Jan. 1983 and 12 Feb. - 27 March 1983, cat. no. 25
Poul Vad, Vilhelm Hammershøi and Danish Art at the Turn of the Century, Yale University Press, 1992, p. 102 (illus.)
Poul Vad, Vilhelm Hammershøi. Værk og liv, Gyldendalske Boghandel, 2003, p. 131 (illus.)
Drawn to Paper: Degas to Rego, exh. cat., Piano Nobile, 2020, pp. 8-9