Path of the Soul, Mixed Media on Metal, 61 x 122 cm (2022)
Soul Mountain, Mixed Media on Metal, 91 x 60.5 cm (2018)
The Rocks 3, Ink on Xuan Paper, 120 x 67 cm (2020)
The Rocks 4, Ink on Xuan Paper, 134 x 67 cm (2020)
The Rocks 5 (detail), Ink on Xuan Paper, 134 x 67 cm (2020)
The Rocks 11‧Rock of Vulture,
Ink on Xuan Paper, 66 x 29 cm (2020) -
The Rocks 22, Ink on Xuan Paper, Triptych, overall size: 336 x 70 cm (2022)
At the Opening Reception,
President of Clare Hall, Cambridge, Professor Alan Short (center)
Art Committee Chair, Professor Frances Spalding (second from the right)
Secretary of the Art Committee, Dr. Fiona Blake (second from the left)
Dr. Mun-Kit Choy, Guest Curator (first from the left )
The artist from Cambridge, Church (first from the right)
Installation View
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「劉慶倫 : 他山之石」
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