"How galleries overcame the challenges of the pandemic era" by Aaina Bhargava


Ahead of Art Basel Hong Kong 2022, journalist Aaina Bhargava speaks to Galerie du Monde's director Kelvin Yang on the challenges the gallery have faced over the past two years due to the pandemic and ways of adapting to the new normal.


How galleries overcame the challenges of the pandemic era

by Aaina Bhargava


"While European galleries were able to tap into new client bases, Kelvin Yang, Managing Director of Hong Kong-based Galerie du Monde, says his biggest challenge during the pandemic has been ‘to engage with new audiences.’ However, although the quantity of new collectors might not have drastically increased for Yang, the quality of interactions he had with existing ones did. Lockdowns afforded both gallerists and collectors time to research and have more focused interactions. ‘Now because of social restrictions we deal with a limited number of people at one time, and we have more in-depth tours and conversations,’ Yang notes."


"For both Meile and Yang, last year’s fair experience was successful for this same reason. Given the reduced number of galleries, Yang noted that visitors seemed ‘to have more patience and time to spend at each individual booth,’ making thoughtful and considered purchases. He also attributes last year’s successful edition to a thriving local audience. ‘The Hong Kong people were so supportive. Ithe fair ent very well in terms of sales and visitor numbers, and we expect the same this year.’ This positive experience prompted Galerie du Monde to upgrade its participation in 2022 by taking a bigger booth – 100m2, up from last year’s 60m2. It plans to show large-scale works, including Adia Millett’s newly made colorful geometric compositions, as well as a selection of pieces by local artist Tsang Kin-Wah."


Read the full article 


Galerie du Monde will be participating in Art Basel Hong Kong 2022, showcasing a diverse portfolio of works by artists Fong Chung-Ray, Crystal Liu, Adia Millett, Michael Müller, Wesley Tongson, Tsang Kin-Wah, Wang Gongyi, Wu Chi-Tsung and Zheng Chongbin at booth 1C11.


Email us at fineart@galeriedumonde.com to gain early access to Galerie du Monde's presentation at the fair.


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