Wu Chi-Tsung

Virtual Studio Visit

Taipei Connections will be bringing us to Wu Chi-Tsung's studio in Taipei as part of their special live-streaming program on May 4.


Date: 4 May 2020
Time: 20:00 (GMT+8)
Join us: zoom.us/j/99897679657
Meeting ID: 998-9767-9657

Wu Chi-Tsung (b. 1981) is one of the most acclaimed young artists from Taiwan working today. He studied at the Taipei National University of the Arts, and is currently based in Taipei and Berlin with a new studio opening in Saigon this year. Wu's work spans across a broad range of media including photography, video, installation art, and painting. He connects Eastern and Western culture and art to integrate traditional aesthetics with startling contemporary language through his Cyano-Collage, Still Life, Wire and Wrinkled Texture Series. He also makes a sharp commentary on contemporary life with his Crystal City installations. He has received numerous domestic and international awards for his innovative use of new media. His work is included in renowned collections such as M+ Hong Kong, the Xie Zilong Photography Museum and Borusan Contemporary.

May 1, 2020
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