Steph Huang

Tate Britain Solo Exhibition "See, See, Sea"

Steph Huang will present her debut presentation at Tate Britain from 12 July 2024 to 5 January 2025. Solo exhibition “See, See, Sea” explores the cultural and environmental impact of cycles of production and commerce, showcasing a new body of multi-media work which draws on Huang’s ongoing research into the food industry.


Born 1990 in Taiwan, Steph Huang received her MA in sculpture from the Royal College of Art in 2021, and currently lives in London. Huang’s solo exhibition at Tate Britain is named after the traditional nursery rhyme ‘A Sailor Went to Sea’, highlighting the traces left by maritime trade in our everyday lives, prompting us to question our relationship with food consumption and the ocean ecosystem. Huang will use sculpture, sound, found objects and video to reflect on the conditions that shape what, how and where we eat.


Steph Huang has a playful approach to materials, often choosing mediums for their contradictory qualities to address concerns about food production and waste. In a world where packaged produce from across the globe is readily available on supermarket shelves, Huang’s work investigates the increasing disconnection between people and food. The presentation at Tate Britain will explore her concern for the impact that the relocation of food markets like Billingsgate and Smithfield will have on Londoners. The artist considers the loss of these unique democratic spaces where commerce and consumer mix, reducing the direct contact people have with their food as well as the rich cultural exchanges that occur under their roofs.


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July 10, 2024
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