Tang Kwong San

Hong Kong International Photo Festival

Hong Kong International Photo Festival

"Satellite Exhibitions 2023"


Exhibition Period: 5 October - 19 November 2023

Address: Goethe-Gallery and Black Box Studio

(14/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai)


Artists: Kwong San Tang & Nga Chi Yuen, Caleb Fung, Crystal Sim, Erica T, J Davies, Jeff Cheng, Kamonlak Sukchai, Masahiro Nakamura, Sereyrath Mech, Vân-Nhi Nguyen, Winsome Dumalagan Wong, and Yan-Cheng Chen


Artist Tang Kwong San will be featured in group exhibition "Satellite Exhibitions 2023", with other eleven image makers starting from 5 October to 19 November 2023, presented by the Hong Kong International Photo Festival. 


‘Somewhere in Time’, a collaboration between artists Tang Kwong San and Yuen Nga Chi showcases the duo's perception of the history of Hong Kong. They attempt to capture the vastness of it through the circumference of a tiny aperture, spilling light into a makeshift darkroom and shedding light into the past, recalling scenes and views from years ago. Public phone booths were installed by the British Hong Kong Government across the city in the past century. Tang and Yuen visited these booths still standing, turned them into pinhole darkrooms, and through inverted images, invites viewers onto the shifting scales between 'deconstruction' and 'construction' that the city leans on. If you were to dial back in history, what would you speak to the space in phone booth? Like looking at Tang and Yuen's images, perhaps the experience would be equivalently serene or astonishing, or it may simply inspire a speechlessness, the same way history unfolds for each of us.


The work was selected as a Finalist of the WMA Masters Award (Light) 2019/20. Tang and Yuen will continue to extend the concept and content of the project by re-editing the existing materials and making new images as the city changes. This will be the first showing of ‘Somewhere in Time’ in Hong Kong.


Learn more --




‘Somewhere in Time’ Pinhole Workshop --


To register: https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/somewhere-in-time-pinhole-workshop-tickets-718472379227?aff=oddtdtcreator

September 26, 2023
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