Lam Tung Pang

Seattle Asian Art Museum – Artist Talk

Lam Tung Pang at the Seattle Asian Art Museum – Artist Talk

"The Great Escape: Art and Our Pandemic Landscapes"

Date: 30 September 2022, 18:30 – 20:00 (PDT) / 1 October 2022, 09:30 – 11:00 (HKT)

Venue: Emma Baillargeon Stimson Auditorium, Seattle Asian Art Museum


As a special event of the Seattle Asian Art Museum's ongoing exhibition "Beyond the Mountain: Contemporary Chinese Artists on the Classical Forms", curator Ping Foong, Seattle Art Museum’s Foster Foundation Curator of Chinese Art will host an artist talk with Lam Tung Pang, whose immersive installation "The Great Escape" is featured, and joining remotely from Hong Kong, Tina Pang, Curator of Hong Kong Visual Culture at M+. The speakers will take a deep dive into Lam’s art and discuss perspectives on contemporary art in Hong Kong and beyond.


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September 23, 2022
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