Roland Biermann

"Stations 2" Installation at the Hermitage Museum in Amsterdam

Venue:  Hermitage Museum, Amsterdam

Exhibition Period:  March 6 - May 19, 2019


Roland Biermann's "Stations 2" sculptural installation is on view at the Hoftuin Square at the Hermitage Museum as part of "Stations - Troubled Waters", a series of 14 single works exhibitions in 14 iconic venues across Amsterdam, curated by Marleen Hengelaar and Aniko Ouweneel.


Stations 2

Three Motorway Crash Barrier Crosses, 500 x 280 x 500 cm H x W x L each,

33 oil barrels, 60 x 60 x 90 cm (H x W x L) each, 2019


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March 1, 2019
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