Galerie du Monde is pleased to present groundbreaking German artist Michael Müller’s three-chapter solo exhibition series Drei biographische Versuche [en: Three Biographical Attempts] in Hong Kong from September 2021 to March 2022.


The Drei biographische Versuche exhibition series is like Müller’s personal diary f­rom the past three decades. Through each chapter, Müller unveils his journey of self-discovery, embracing change, and self-formation.


In the first chapter, Michael Müller presented his decade-long journey in the Himalayas that he embarked on in his early 20s, divulging a man’s quest to one’s cultural heritage and faith. Müller believes one must first understand and recognize one’s heritage, one is then able to form his own structure of thoughts and belief system.


“How do we make sense of the world?” This is the key question Müller addresses in the second chapter Der Wolkenvermesser [en: The Cloud Surveyor], through the diary of a traveler observing clouds. Delving into specific events and dreams from his journey in the Himalayas, Müller further elaborates on the concepts of feeling and accuracy, the self and the other, and shifting perspectives.


The Cloud Surveyor features a monumental 81-part installation work, a pair of painting on alu-dibond, two floor installations which include a stuffed Scarlet Ibis, three unusual format wall objects, and 15 graphite drawings.


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